Spring…A Time For New Beginnings
Posted by Century Support Services on Mar 16, 2018

As sure as winter snow falls, spring offers a chance for warmer weather, as well as new beginnings. Spring is a great time to harness the energy of the season and allow your mindset to move away from dreary winter doldrums into the fresh energy of spring. The wonders of spring offer many opportunities to get outdoors and feel nature awaken. If you’re going through a rough patch, read on and remember that after every winter in your life, spring will certainly come.
The Power of Spring
After a long winter, nothing feels better than the simple act of being outside in the sunlight. Next time you find yourself feeling down, or wanting to spend money on something “fun,” try taking a walk outside, or even just sit on a bench somewhere where you can take in the sounds, sights, and smells of nature.
Life moves quickly, but spring can be a reminder that sometimes, incredible change moves at a slow pace. Take in the small, green buds, and appreciate that they will soon grow into the beautiful lush leaves of summer. What lessons can spring teach us in our own life? Our monthly payments towards debt can sometimes feel like a drop in the bucket, but with patience and persistence, our efforts will ultimately erase our debt and allow us to live with greater freedom. Just like the tiniest buds need sun and rain to flourish, so too do our financial situations need our care and attention over time.
In the meantime, allow spring weather to bring you fully into the present moment. Enjoy the frugal pleasures of spring, which include outdoor community events, farmer’s markets, walks and hikes with friends and family, gardening, and outdoor exercise opportunities like jogging and biking. Spring reminds us that we don’t need to spend money to have a good experience, we just need to open our eyes and spend a little time where it matters most.
No Time Like the Present to Start Fresh
Spring is also a great reminder that there’s always time to start fresh. During the dark winter months, it can feel like the light of summer may never return. But spring offers a bright bridge between the quiet of winter and the busy fun of summer sunshine. The energy of spring can help remind us that we can always start again on our goals, plans, and dreams.
Financial stress can take over our minds and our hearts if we let it, but spring gives us a reason to shift our mindset and start considering what “abundance” might feel like. If this seems like a foreign concept, you’re not alone. Living with debt is a challenge, and it’s natural to want to spend money as a way of comforting ourselves in the moment. Instead of focusing on what you can’t have, instead, celebrate the new clarity you’ve gained and remember why you’ve chosen to save instead of spend in the first place.
Sticking to a plan that we know will help us in the long run is always the best way to go. When you struggle with tough feelings, remember that, just like winter, they too will end. No feeling is final, but the money that you choose to save instead of spend can last years and years if you stick to your goals!
Transitions Can Be Tough
Nothing is prettier than nature at her peak, from a beautiful snowy landscape with twinkling, pristine drifts, to the bright, floral scented sunshine of a late spring day. But nature also brings its share of mud, dirty snow, and sad, brown grass. The transitions between the seasons offer a great metaphor with which to view our financial lives.
If you’re in a rough patch, remember that brown grass turns green once it gets enough sun. What can you shine on your financial life? Maybe it’s the belief that things can change, that you can take control. Maybe it’s something more practical, like a commitment to figure out a monthly budget that doesn’t pin you into a corner. No matter what, it’s important to remember that, while transitions can be hard, there’s new life and growth yet to emerge. With patience, care, and attention, this can be true for your financial future as well.