Spotlight on Success – Brian’s Story
Posted by Century Support Services on Nov 19, 2019

After five years of hard work at his job in a steel mill, Brian was promoted to a supervisor position, which came with a significant increase in pay. Over the course of the next year, Brian’s lifestyle began to change for the better, enjoying his new income level, while still living well within his means. That was until the company he worked for closed a sister steel mill and absorbed some of their staff. With the influx of new employees, some positions were redistributed based on seniority. With Brian only being in his position for a little over a year, he was told he would be taking a demotion and a 20% pay cut in the process.
Having such an unexpected decrease in income was difficult for Brian to adjust to. “Losing that much was life-changing,” said Brian. What were once easy expenses to manage became bills he was unable to pay without the help of high-interest credit cards. Even as he began to budget and reset his lifestyle to the new job, his balances started to get out of control.
Brian had to find a solution to his debt and he needed one that preserved the future he wanted for himself. “Filing bankruptcy was not an option,” Brian said. “I wanted to buy a house and my main concern was my credit getting hurt.” Knowing this, Brian found Century Debt Settlement Services and decided to give us a try after speaking with one of our Certified Debt Specialists.
He was initially wary about the effects that debt settlement would have on his credit score but our representative was able to put his mind at ease by explaining how the program worked and how we would tailor our program to his specific needs. Brian was thrilled with the results he saw with Century. “Once everything started progressing, my credit score started to creep back up. I love the progress we’ve made.”
Brian has completed his debt settlement program, wiped out his high-interest credit card debt and is currently looking to buy his first house. “Century has helped me and it’s been awesome,” said Brian. “In fact, I’ve liked everything about my experience with Century.”
Congratulations on your program success, Brian!
We thank you for trusting us to be a part of your journey toward better financial health and celebrate your diligence in staying with the program to make such great progress!
*We protect the privacy of our clients by changing their names and omitting any identifying details.