National Book Lovers Day – August 9
Posted by Century Support Services on Aug 09, 2021

Calling all bibliophiles! Did you know that National Book Lovers Day is just around the corner?
In 2021, his celebration of all things books falls on August 9. It’s a great day to find a comfy spot and crack open that tome that’s been sitting on your nightstand. But you don’t have to wait until National Book Lovers Day to engage in your love of the written word.
Best of all, reading is a low- to no-cost activity that you can do year-round. Here are 5 ways to indulge your reading habit without spending much — or any — money.
1. Visit Your Local Library
Where’s the best place to find free books (and movies, and magazines, and music, and much more)? It can only be your local library!
If you haven’t visited the library for a while, you’re missing out. For many, public libraries are an underestimated and underused resource, and National Book Lovers Day is a great reason to go check out your local branch.
Not only will you be able to browse the shelves and take home multiple books, most libraries also offer a range of other resources, such as:
- CDs and DVDs
- Digital resources, like e-books, music, podcasts, research and movies
- Magazines and newspapers
- Book-related events
- Free internet access
- Interlibrary loans for hard-to-find items
2. Host a Book Swap
Got books you’ve already read sitting around collecting dust? Gather a few other book lovers and host an exchange. It’s a great way to declutter and grab new titles for free.
Invite friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and others to bring the titles they no longer want. You can also swap books online; sites such as PaperBack Swap make it easy.
3. Read Online for Free
In recent years, organizations such as Project Gutenberg, Open Library and Google Books have been uploading full texts of books to the internet. Most are books that have outlived their copyrights. That means free access for you!
Here, you’ll find classic works from authors such as Shakespeare, Austen and Kafka. You’ll also find favorites such as the mysteries of Christie and Conan Doyle, the creepy works of Stoker and Poe, and a range of fiction and non-fiction from Du Bois to Darwin, Homer to Hawthorne, Rice Burroughs to Brontë, Douglass to Dostoevsky.
4. Trade at a Used Book Store
If you’ve got a stack of books you’re finished with, head to a used book store. Most will exchange salable books (and, often, other media) for store credit.
Then, you can pick out new reading material without paying a cent! Some stores also offer cash for used books. Just be aware that you’ll usually receive more in store credit than you would in cash.
5. Hit Up the Thrift Stores
If you’ve got just a few bucks to spare on books, head to a thrift store. Many vintage and thrift stores sell donated books, including Goodwill, the Salvation Army and Value Village, just to name a few.
Best of all, most titles cost a fraction of what you’d pay new. You can also ask if the store offers a discount for seniors, military or students, or if they offer lower prices at tag sales or discount days.
It’s easy to celebrate National Book Lovers Day without spending a lot — or spending any money at all. These no- and low-cost tips will help you indulge in your love of reading year-round.
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